Tired of being all Advil...
...“The Every Pain Reliever”?
Each year, 107,000 people are hospitalized and more than 16,500 die in the US from the side effects of Advil and similar drugs (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, etc).*
So what are you to do about your muscle pain?
Come with me on a journey to become more in tune with your body. It's a journey that I have been on personally and clinically for many years.
Learn what your body is asking for.
Explore your treatment options.
Discover what works for you.
Unfortunately, there is no "magic bullet" for pain. Sure, you can “unplug the warning light” with a pain killer. But that doesn't get to the root of the problem...
… so what is the root of the problem?
Step into my office... As a chiropractor, I believe in empowering you to take great care of your body, so it can take care of you. Let's go through these common causes of muscle pain in this order, from easiest and most common, to the more difficult contributors.
Are you thinking, “I can't possibly deal with all these issues!”? Work through each section methodically. If you run into trouble, you are welcome to email me. I have been there, and spent years trying to find natural solutions for my own muscle pain (part of the reason I went to physical therapy and chiropractic school). What I am sharing here is what works for me and my patients.
I want you to be able to deal with your pain anytime it surfaces. Without the dreaded drugs.
So let's begin!
*Singh Gurkipal, MD, “Recent Considerations in Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug Gastropathy”, The American Journal of Medicine, July 27, 1998, P. 31S
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