Part 4. Anterior Pelvic Tilt

Pelvic Tilt Series 1 2 3 4 5 6

Just like with the posterior pelvic tilt, the anterior pelvic tilt is named because you are tilting your pelvis forward, or anterior. This creates more of an arch in your back causing your buttocks to stick out more.

Anterior Pelvic Tilt

Most people need more anterior tilt to their pelvis. People usually like to slouch back onto their tail bone as they sit... it is just easier! As discussed in the proper sitting page, you probably need to lean more forward to get your weight centered over your sit bones. Sometimes this change alone can bring relief for your back pain.

Remember: Like with the posterior tilt, we are going for improved proprioception. Do all motions slowly and thoughtfully. Move with attention. Don't push into pain. Less is more here. Be really subtle, and notice everything. This will improve the connections to your brain.

  • Sitting on your sit bones, roll forward, allowing your back to arch and your belly to stick out. Your pelvis is tilting forward or anterior.
  • Again, repeat slowly and thoughtfully, but with each repetition notice the following areas:
    • Let your belly go loose, so you can arch more freely.
    • Feel your breathing - where are you breathing into? Are you holding your stomach or letting your breath in and out freely?
    • Feel your chest and rib cage, they should be lifting lightly.
    • Feel your hips. Let them loosen and lengthen in front of you. This will increase your motion without trying.
    • Feel the movement in your low back. Try to notice the individual bones moving.
  • Stop, rest, check how you are sitting. Does it feel different than when you started? Focus on the improvements - try to get excited about them. This actually tells your brain what changes to focus on.

It may feel "pinchy" to arch your back like this... Don't push into the pain. Just do a little at a time until you are more used to the motion. I find doing a rocking motion between anterior and posterior tilt very helpful to calm down my muscles when they start going onto spasm. It can even help decrease spasms that have already started.

Let's add the next layer - lateral pelvic tilts!

Go to Part 5 - Lateral Pelvic Tilt

1. Intro - 2. Sit bones - 3. Posterior tilt - 4. Anterior tilt - 5. Lateral tilt - 6. Pelvic Circles

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